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United Against Latinx/a/o Hate

At least one in five Latinos say they or a family member have been treated unfairly by the courts or unfairly stopped or treated by the police because they are Latino. Non-immigrant Latinos are nearly twice as likely as immigrant Latinos to report that they or a family member have been stopped or unfairly treated by the police because they are Latino.


As it relates to interpersonal discrimination, a third or more of Latinos say they have personally experienced racial or ethnic slurs and people making insensitive or offensive comments or negative assumptions about their race or ethnicity. 


The resources below serve as a jumping-off point as we continue the work to end anti-Latinx/a/o hate.

Resources Against Anti-Latinx/a/o Hate

American Experience: The Birth and Growth of Racism against Mexican-Americans

Racist attitudes against Mexican-Americans intensified in the 20th Century. Of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry, Mexican-Americans did not fit into iron-clad racial categories: black or white.


Library of Congress: A Latinx Resource Guide: Civil Rights Cases and Events in the United States

The first of its kind, this comprehensive online compendium of Civil Rights resources includes references to search and seizure, legal representation, self-incrimination, immigration, medical care, and equal access to educational resources. Since civil rights events are ongoing in Latinx communities, these references aim to connect the past with the present.


NPR: Discrimination in America: Experiences and Views of Latinos

Discrimination is a prominent and critically important matter in American life and throughout American history. While many surveys have explored Americans’ beliefs about discrimination, this survey asks people about their own personal experiences with discrimination.


Pew Research Center: Majority of Latinos Say Skin Color Impacts Opportunity in America and Shapes Daily Life

Colorism is a form of discrimination based on skin color, usually, though not always, favoring lighter skin color over darker skin color within a racial or ethnic group. While it can be tied to racism, it is not necessarily the same. A majority of Hispanic adults say having a darker skin color hurts Hispanics’ ability to get ahead in the United States today at least a little.


Salud America: The Shocking Rise in Anti-Latino Hate Crimes

In 2016, there were 344 incidents of anti-Latino hate crimes. In 2018, there were 485. This is about a 41% increase in just a few years.


UnidosUS: A Historic Opportunity to Advance an Equitable and Inclusive Economic Recovery for Latinos

Our top three priorities would impact the lives of millions, including millions of Latinos. They include immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship, an expanded, permanent and refundable Child Tax Credit that includes children with tax identification numbers, and closing a gap that leaves millions of low-income people with no coverage under Medicaid. We also have critical priorities in the areas of health and education.


UnidosUS: Supporting Latinos in Higher Education: Priorities for Reconciliation

Within the next decade, Latinos are projected to be one out of every five students in higher education in the United States. The COVID-19 public health crisis, and subsequent school closures and moves to virtual instruction, have disrupted the education of millions of Latino students from early childhood through college, threatening further growth of Latinos with postsecondary degrees and credentials. 


Washington Post: A history of anti-Hispanic bigotry in the United States

Now and then, the animus bubbles up. But bigotry against Hispanics has been an American constant since the Founding Fathers.

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